Saturday, April 30, 2011

The Clearing

"The Clearing" - 22" x 28" - Oil on linen - Copyright 2011 Jake Gaedtke

Sunlight breaks through and shines it's light on a cluster of trees in the middle of a mountain meadow. The threat of an afternoon storm passes but not without the glistening of sunlight glowing on the billowing thunderhead. The smell of freshly fallen rain permeates the atmosphere as it cleans the air and the sounds of Clark's Nuthatcher and Ravens announce the arrival of sunlight.
As I continue to work and meditate on the work I do I realize that my work is, more than anything else, about a sense of place. I often wonder why I don't approach art and painting in a more painterly way. That is, focus on shapes or color and use the subject as the vehicle for the elements in painting. I do see the abstract in nature and that fascinates me, and I search for and include those elements in my painting. But still there is that opportunity to bring to the viewer the emotional and philosophical elements that exists in a specific place that speaks to me in a profound way that motivates my work. Maybe even move people to a point that it has the power to change lives and find a deeper sense of self and our Creator.

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